
Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Brew and Hammer?? What the heck does that mean?

Why call a blog "The Brew and Hammer"?  Well, for one, I had to call it something, and two; geologists have a reputation for carrying rock hammers, wearing excessive facial hair, and the enjoyment of large quantities of beer.  I will not completely disspell that stereotype here, although I did shave the full beard some years ago to go with a goatee.  My rock hammer is still beneath the seat of the pickup truck and the basement beer fridge is stocked with no less than 10 kinds of beer, including two of my homebrews.  The family room walls are also covered with 2000 or so old beer cans, a collection started when I was 11-- which is just about the same time I realized that the hills of SE Indiana contained millions of fossil shells,starting another hobby that led to a career!.  The fondness for good beer came later in life, when I realized life is too short to drink cheap, bad beer!   

As the blog description notes, these pages are dedicated to geology, beer cans, and beer.  The plan is to post photos and ramblings about each of these topics on a regular weekly or at least monthly basis.  If anyone wants to raise a question or make comment about a post, there's a place for that and I welcome it.  But bear in mind, this blog is for fun and will be more for hobbyists, beer enthusiasts, and fellow beer can collectors to read and enjoy at leisure. In other words, no overly technical stuff, no politics, and hopefully no mis-spelling filled ignorant rants! 

Open a brew and enjoy the show (If you're not 21, then pour a root beer-thats good stuff, too!)

1 comment:

  1. I've got a friend in Michigan, who blogs and is a part owner in Wolverine Beer. Small world, eh? I on the other hand have made a few home brews, and am an amateur rock hound. The most important lession I learned in home brewing (from my 2nd batch) was DON'T FORGET TO PUT WATER IN THE AIRLOCK! Waiting to open your beer and then getting "hosed" with sour beer is not fun.
